The Power of Positivity

It’s always great to meet an optimist; that natural exuberance and can-do attitude is very infectious. But on the other side of the same coin, someone with a negative outlook can be really energy-sapping. Winston Churchill summed it up perfectly when he said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” (Hear, hear!) I’m sure many of

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3 Ways to keep things “Hello Fresh!”

Let me tell you about a recent experience that I had with a “Hello Fresh” representative (Let’s call her Abi shall we!).  It’s a topical one, because as you read this and like most people at this time of the year, you will probably be eating healthier than what you were around Christmas?  Some of you may even be considering using “Hello Fresh” or may have heard things

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Provide a Warm Welcome and be more DOG!

Do you have a dog?  Even if you haven’t you will still be able to picture this next scene. You come home from work, you’re tired, hungry, you’ve been stuck in traffic or you’ve been penned into a train carriage like a sardine!   Your dog has been at home for the whole day, waiting for you!  Now, what’s the first thing that most dogs will

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10 Top Customer Service Tips

on how to create exceptional customer experiences in your business, and create raving fans

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